Saturday, November 20, 2010

traveling tips with your pet ....

The link above is a helpful website in details about traveling with dogs. It's just just traveling with dogs, but in pets in general. It gives you important tips. Hope you all find is helpful! Enjoy :)

Friday, November 19, 2010

MyPuppy School - Down

This is another helpful tip to train your dog how to tell your dog "down" .... enjoy! :)

Thursday, November 18, 2010

I would say that this photo could be picture of the week, don't you guys think so? :) .... when they're puppies, they look so cute and innocent looking, and they get into things that we don't want them too and they give you that puppy face .... which is so adorable and cute!! :)

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

a helpful website to research on dogs ....

The link above is a very good website. The website describes the good points and bad points of every breed! the dog breed reviews will help you discover whether the particular dog you're considering has the personality and physical characteristics you want in a dog! Very helpful site and user friendly! :) Enjoy!!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Shih Tzu in a competition ....

With legs barely visible, this Shih Tzu seemingly floats across the floor during judging in the toy category.       
So many breeds getting groomed for the various conforming, agility and obedience competitions, which owners can spend so much money in putting their dogs and competition! I think it's cute and adorable, but at the same time, it can get a little out of hand, don't you think?

Husky Dog Talking - " I love you "

This dog is saying "I LOVE YOU" .... this is really adorable!! I don't how this dog was trained to do it, but this dog is really smart!! .... I suppose to you have to keep saying it to the dog, and eventually, it will probably catch on :)

....being part of the family ....

Dog's a a part of the family. You have to give them lovr and care, and you have to look after them just like a child! .... It can be a lot of work, but when you love them so much, sometimes it can all be worth it! A dog can include itself in everything that the owner does because it wants to! ... because it knows that it's part of the family. When you give them unconditional love, the dog will give you back love as well. The dog shows it a a weird and different way because it has its own way of showing it! Especially during dinner time .... it's by the dinner table because it wants to be included, just to get food! .... hehehe ... because it wants to eat with the family. Because all dogs are a part of the family, just don't forget that! :)

.... re-thinkingabout getting a dog in the future? ....

I know that I have mentioned that I have always wanted a pet dog. After my grandmother's dog passed away, I have been re-thinking because dogs are like a part of the family. You get to attached to them and it can be the worst day of your like when you loose that dog when it has been with the family for so long. Some dog owner's see them as their baby or a kid. I'm afraid losing something that is so attached to me because it cannot be replaceable. Replacing something can be hard and it's just not the same, especially a pet! Dog's have their own set of personalities just like humans. When you give your unconditional love to a dog, it's really hard to handle the lost of the dog :(    .....   so i'm re-thinking .....

cute puppy whistle

This is one of the cutest thing I have ever seen! It's to adorable!! :) .... I'm sure that all of you will find this adorable as well!!

old neighbours Maltese dog ....

I rememeber an old neighbour of mine once had a Maltese cross when I was younger. I don't quit remember the dog's name. She would follow her owner around and then watch her when her owner went inside from the back door. I remember the dog loved a good run at the park because I would see always see at the park where I use to play when I would be little and I would play with it at the park. Maltese are one of the cutest dogs in the world!! They are loving and loyal to the humans who are lucky enough to own them. They are extremely intelligent and learn tricks as well as house training very quickly. :)

Grandma getting another dog?

My grandparents are thinking of getting another dog, but they want to wait for a while and think over the decision. They don't want to replace missy, but they want one because it's a companion. It's a very big decision because they're at the point of retiring and to if they are able to care for a dog. They really love their old dog and they really miss her. They miss how she would be at the front of the door when they would come in the house. If they do want to get another dog, they would get the same size, they don't want a toy dog, because they would want a dog who would be able to protect them because they would feel secure. They were thinkiong of getting another breed, but no to sure what kind of breed they are looking for because it's hard to find a breed like missy. My grandmother has had other dog's as pet before , but it has been a while since she's had a dog when she got missy.

Monday, November 15, 2010

MyPuppy School - Stay

This is really small helpful tip for dog owners on how to teach thier dogs how to "stay". This is really cute at the same time because the dogs are adorable!! :) Enjoy!!